by Jyll Hoyrup | Feb 21, 2019 | Energy Report, Full Moon, Healing, Moon
I’m up early (who else has struggled with sleep every night this week!??!) with the effects of the Super Snow Moon we had the other day! Are you feeeeeeeeeeeeeling it? I sat at the Beach the other night, watched the Moon Rise and felt and saw Everything...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Feb 14, 2019 | Channeled Message, Healing, Life, Love, Self-Care
Love is of the divine. It just is. It is all there is. All-knowing. All encompassing. All giving. All seeing. Embrace Love. Embrace all that is. Give of yourself for/to obtain freedom inside your Soul. Stop judgment. Stop insanity. Stop patterns. Get quiet. ...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Jan 12, 2019 | Healing, Life, Quotes
One of my favorite quotes is: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” — Anonymous (I know, I thought Albert Einstein said it too but upon Googling, that isn’t true. It appears to have come from...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Jan 11, 2019 | Healing, Life, Self-Care
I was Triggered a few days ago. You can read all the nitty-gritty details here. The gist is that there were some additional layers of healing I needed to complete surrounding my Life Lesson of Rejection, feeling unworthy and undeserving, and feeling invisible...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Jan 8, 2019 | Healing, Life, Self-Care
Triggers. You’ve had them, but maybe you haven’t recognized them. I was going to write about something else today but I have been affected by a Trigger and thought I’d use it to show how we can Tackle them. Triggers are things in life that come up...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Jan 4, 2019 | Ceremony, Healing, Life, Relationship, Self-Care
Relationships are the way we connect with other people. We can have romantic, friendship, familial, coworker, acquaintance, stranger, and even pet relationships. Relationships change, shift, and end for various reasons. As humans, we are constantly evolving and...