by Jyll Hoyrup | Dec 26, 2020 | Healing, Ceremony, Full Moon
Well, it’s that time of year – to review the year and let it go! Woo hoo! Finally, right!!? I know each of us is feeling the extent of this year in many different ways. Chiron recently went direct so that Retrograde contributed to lots of healing as well...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Jul 31, 2019 | Ceremony, Eclipse, Energy Report, Goals, Intentions, Mercury Retrograde, New Moon
How have you been feeling lately? The energies have still been really Intense, however, I have felt some shifts – have you? I know smoother energy is ahead! Today Mercury goes Direct so we should feel things smooth out in the areas of Electronics,...
by Jyll Hoyrup | May 2, 2019 | Ceremony, Energy Report, Life, New Moon, Self-Care
Goodness Gracious Mercy Me!! WHEW!!! I came out of April alive, how did you do?? I went up to Mexico at the end of March expecting a quick fix for my Tooth Infection and ended up there for a month (a week of oral antibiotics – didn’t work, 6 days of IV...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Mar 19, 2019 | 111® Activation, Activations, Ceremony, Energy Report, Full Moon, Healing, Mercury Retrograde, Moon, Universal Sphere®
How are you holding up? I’m starting to feel the energies smoothing out a bit more as we continue to move further into 2019. We are halfway through Mercury Retrograde which means we can now take ACTION. Mercury will go direct on March 28 (Shadow Period until...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Jan 4, 2019 | Ceremony, Healing, Life, Relationship, Self-Care
Relationships are the way we connect with other people. We can have romantic, friendship, familial, coworker, acquaintance, stranger, and even pet relationships. Relationships change, shift, and end for various reasons. As humans, we are constantly evolving and...