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2018 in Review

I have been doing a year-end review for about 8 years and this is the first I debated how to do it as the year started out with a bang…literally – ???????????? I was cheated on. It was totally devastating and emotionally traumatic. My Intuition led me to...

October 2018 Energy Report

Hi Roaring Intuitive! Does it feel like time is flying for you?  We are already halfway through October – didn’t October just start yesterday? To me, it feels like the energy of things is speeding up, pulsating quicker and magnifying itself in various...

New: Monthly Healing and Activation Group Sessions

Group Sessions are powerful ways to Ignite a unified purpose.  Today I announced that I will now be offering two Group Sessions each month – a Healing Session and an Activation Session.  They will be extremely affordable at $25. If you’ve attended and...

A Message For You

Well, THAT didn’t go as planned.  I was supposed to live my life in the lap of luxury, now I’m confined.  Although, on the bright side, I imagine there will be many things for me to see as I bob and weave with each bouncing wave. The sun beats down on my...
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