by Jyll Hoyrup | Jan 3, 2019 | Healing, Life
I have been doing a year-end review for about 8 years and this is the first I debated how to do it as the year started out with a bang…literally – ???????????? I was cheated on. It was totally devastating and emotionally traumatic. My Intuition led me to...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Dec 31, 2018 | Energy Report, Healing, Intuition, Life
Well, it’s here, the end of the topsy-turvy, up and down, back and forth, highs and lows year of 2018. I found 2018 to be energetically chaotic and emotionally low. How was your experience? On my Personal Life note… Many of you were...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Nov 14, 2018 | Channeled Message, Energy Report, Healing, Intuition, Life
If you have felt like the energy is dense and things are shifting quickly, you are not alone! We are in a huge arena of Energy Shifts, Up-leveling, Re-organizing and Re-Igniting our Passion and Purpose! To best use these energies, buckle up your seatbelt and ride the...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Oct 15, 2018 | Healing, Intuition, Life
Hi Roaring Intuitive! Does it feel like time is flying for you? We are already halfway through October – didn’t October just start yesterday? To me, it feels like the energy of things is speeding up, pulsating quicker and magnifying itself in various...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Aug 2, 2018 | Healing
Group Sessions are powerful ways to Ignite a unified purpose. Today I announced that I will now be offering two Group Sessions each month – a Healing Session and an Activation Session. They will be extremely affordable at $25. If you’ve attended and...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Aug 1, 2018 | Healing, Life
Well, THAT didn’t go as planned. I was supposed to live my life in the lap of luxury, now I’m confined. Although, on the bright side, I imagine there will be many things for me to see as I bob and weave with each bouncing wave. The sun beats down on my...