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My Favorite Things

We all have favorites, don’t we?  I thought it would be fun to write about some of my Favorite things! COLOR Purple.  It’s Royalty yo. ICE CREAM Chocolate Chip Mint.  Do I even need to say more?  The cool, refreshingness of the mint, with interwoven bits...

Healing Repetitive Issues

One of my favorite quotes is: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” — Anonymous (I know, I thought Albert Einstein said it too but upon Googling, that isn’t true.  It appears to have come from...

3 Steps to Tackling Triggers

Triggers.  You’ve had them, but maybe you haven’t recognized them. I was going to write about something else today but I have been affected by a Trigger and thought I’d use it to show how we can Tackle them. Triggers are things in life that come up...

2018 Book Review: 54

Reading did not happen as much in 2018 as I was doing some inner work and healing.  I read 54 out of my goal of 100 books.  I know I’m capable of reading more so it came as a bit of a disappointment. If you aren’t tracking your Books over on Goodreads, I...
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