gtag('config', 'G-F7T8ME966J'); gtag('config', 'G-F7T8ME966J');

Why Quitting is OKAY

How’s it going?  What’s the word on your Street?  I lost Tuesday of this week somehow.  In the blink of an eye, January is almost gone.  How did that happen?  How are you faring in the New Year, and this 2019 Energy? January energy is about regrouping.  I...

How to Create a Habit

Habits are formed from consistently thinking, talking, doing something, or behaving in a certain way.  A lot of times habits are formed unconsciously. Habits can be either positive or negative.  I’ve had bad habits such as chewing my nails, swearing, watching...

Instead of New Years Resolutions…

New Years Resolutions typically don’t stick. We’ve all heard the boasts and claims of our friends and loved ones – declaring what they are going to be doing THIS YEAR. How many of them actually succeed? I can’t remember a time when I stuck with...
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