
A Magical Life
One of the pivotal things I ever did for myself was start using my imagination. For someone who lived in her head, that was kind of a big deal. Didn't I have somethingto analyze or problem-solve? Believe it or not, tapping into the realm of possibilities through...
2021 Review
2021 in Review - The Jylly Adventures ???? Returned to Mexico for extensive Dental work. Spent 8 visits over 5 weeks and a total of 28.5 hours in the Dentist chair - giving me a brand set of top teeth, and a new smile! ???? Asked out on a date in...
2020 Book List and Review
2020 ended up being a better reading year than expected. My goal was to read 50 books. I finished reading 58 books. Hooray! New This Year for Me Two new things happened for me this way in my Reading World. The first is that I was introduced to...
2020 in Review
2020 took me (Spoiler alert) from my Simple Life living South of the Border back to the U.S.A. where I hadn't been for over 5 years. The interesting thing is that back in November 2019 I had the intuitive hit that I would be back in Seattle in...
3 Step Release Process
Well, it's that time of year - to review the year and let it go! Woo hoo! Finally, right!!? I know each of us is feeling the extent of this year in many different ways. Chiron recently went direct so that Retrograde contributed to lots of healing...
DEEPness of 2020
2020 has been deeply uncomfortable, deeply transformative (if we've let it be!), and brought deep Awareness where we may not have had it before. I've been in a deep (there's that word again! Is it too late to pick a word of the year 2020?! HA...
How the 2020 Energy is Helping Us Heal
If you feel like time is flying by -- IT IS! There has been something about the energy of 2020 - obviously, the World Events plays a part - but I'm talking more about what each of us is going through on a Personal level. To me, it feels like each...