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During your Session, we uncover and release energetic patterns that are connected to the experiences that you are having.  We shift and transform!  You are left feeling less burdened, more clarity, and ready to move forward!  Readings provide immediate Intuitive Insight.


An Activation connects you to the energy of your intentions and Soul Purpose, allowing you to align with the frequency and vibration and create from the inside out!



Let me help facilitate your Soul Roaring Transformation with:

Bootcamps about Money, Love, Intuition and Body Image (coming soon!).

Monthly Membership Program to help you Rock all aspects of your life — understand your Intuition, navigate life as an Empath and Highly Sensitive, and Self-Care routines.

VIP Healing & Coaching Program to release and heal issues once and for all, gain clarity regarding what you want to create in your life, manifestation tips to create that Life.


What They Say

“Jyll is a wonderful reader and a very amazing healer. Her healing sessions are just miraculously life-changing. I began seeing Jyll regularly starting in 2017. I had been in a very dark phase for many years.  I saw no way out and nothing I tried helped.  I’ve had countless sessions and always experience a profound shift in reality afterward.  Her healing sessions have lifted my spirit, raised my vibration, and accelerated my growth. I can recognize my power, create my reality, and see endless possibilities for my life now.  I got the 111 Activation and Universal Sphere which has helped me feel more confident and given me a clarity I didn’t have before.  My life has turned completely around – I experience life in a completely different way now.  Love and Light Jyll.”

Aastha Sharma, Nepal

I have been on a healing path for over 20 years now, and have never met anyone with as lovely a personality as Jyll.  Her heart is pure, and she is a lot of fun to work with and a very upbeat woman. She is authentic, and genuinely cares about others and their life circumstances, and is a phenomenal energy healer/Intuitive because of that.  Each healing I’ve had, my physical/emotional pain was relieved and I felt 100% better almost immediately.  Jyll has coached me through some very difficult life circumstances and her intuition was amazingly accurate while doing so.  I highly recommend Jyll!”

Cynthia Barthel, Indiana, USA

WOW!  That healing was really in-depth and insightful and really resonated with me.  I feel good.  I feel rested.  I felt so taken care of.  The healings that you’ve done with me have been so profound that all the angst I had, all the Whatever, the feelings of hopelessness, the feeling that my life meant nothing – they all went away.  You really helped me so much.”

Jessica McKay, New Jersey, USA

“Jyll is PHENOMENAL!! One of the best energetic exchanges I’ve had on my spiritual journey! I gave Jyll a Reiki Distance healing before my reading, and we literally harmonized energies. Jyll delivered the most profound reading and healing I have ever experienced. She was so much fun to connect and share with. I recommend anyone in Jyll’s space to experience her abilities! Jyll I can’t wait to share with you again! Thank you!!”

Matthew Varites, San Diego, CA USA



Learn about your Intuition, Transformation, and More!  It’ll be FUN!


Treat Yourself to a Soul Roaring Transformation!

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