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2019 Review

2019 Review So this was officially the worst year of this lifetime – waaaayyyyy too many stressful things happened at once: 1. Multiple trips to Mexico for dental care 2. Oral surgery 3. Financial devastation and debt for the first time in my life 4. Gave up my...

You are a Warrior

You know I mean it when I call you a “Warrior”, right? I was tuning into the message this morning while waking up this morning and it became really clear to me — YOU ARE A WARRIOR. You may not feel like it.  You may think you don’t act like...

Writing to Future Me

I found this wonderful site, promptly bookmarked it then forgot about it — for a year or two at least.  I recently noticed it in my bookmarks and investigated it again. It is called Future Me and is a way to write a letter to yourself IN THE FUTURE.  How cool is...

About Me

Trusting Intuition:  I used to make my living in the Corporate America Rat Race but was living an unfulfilled existence.  I had a pattern of getting “great jobs” with lots of potential only to get bored after a few months.  I’d think, “is this all?” and feel misled...

Healing Life Lessons

Yesterday I shared Lee Harris’ July Energy Report.  If you missed it you can check it out here.  I told you today I would share how it resonated with me and why.  So, here goes. Lee talked about 3 major themes occurring this month.  The first one was...

Independence Day (USA)

Today is Independence Day in the USA.  On July 4, 1776, the USA declared its Independence from Great Britain.  It is a National Holiday and a time to get together with family and friends to BBQ, go boating, have a picnic, and set off fireworks. I am grateful for the...
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