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6 Ways to Engage in Self-Care

The Eclipse Season (January through last week’s Full Moon) kicked my butt – how about you? After being out of Belize for 5 weeks, I returned from Mexico on Tuesday. I feel refreshed, grounded and….well, Different. One of the best things we can do for...

Taking Time for Self-Care and Healing

For the past month, my Journey has been about going within and healing pain.  It took complete trust in allowing myself each moment to be what it was going to be. Each mood was allowed to run its course.  Sometimes there was a process of dissection.  Most times were...

Partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Aquarius

Today is my Birthday.  I’m 48!!  I love my Birthday (a day it really IS All About The Jylly!  haha) and own my age.  I’m feeling very Wise and Introspective. I was awake early, took a walk, and watched the sunrise.  I did some Energy Healing as I watched...
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