gtag('config', 'G-F7T8ME966J'); gtag('config', 'G-F7T8ME966J');

2018 in Review

I have been doing a year-end review for about 8 years and this is the first I debated how to do it as the year started out with a bang…literally – ???????????? I was cheated on. It was totally devastating and emotionally traumatic. My Intuition led me to...

The Ultimate Blog Challenge

The Ultimate Blog Challenge is underway again this January! Will you join us? I participated for the full month last July. I signed up to do it again in October but didn’t make it very far. I’m rip-roaring and ready to go again!! I’m keep my Goal...

Instead of New Years Resolutions…

New Years Resolutions typically don’t stick. We’ve all heard the boasts and claims of our friends and loved ones – declaring what they are going to be doing THIS YEAR. How many of them actually succeed? I can’t remember a time when I stuck with...
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