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Why Quitting is OKAY

How’s it going?  What’s the word on your Street?  I lost Tuesday of this week somehow.  In the blink of an eye, January is almost gone.  How did that happen?  How are you faring in the New Year, and this 2019 Energy? January energy is about regrouping.  I...

My Favorite Things

We all have favorites, don’t we?  I thought it would be fun to write about some of my Favorite things! COLOR Purple.  It’s Royalty yo. ICE CREAM Chocolate Chip Mint.  Do I even need to say more?  The cool, refreshingness of the mint, with interwoven bits...

Healing Repetitive Issues

One of my favorite quotes is: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” — Anonymous (I know, I thought Albert Einstein said it too but upon Googling, that isn’t true.  It appears to have come from...

Lee Harris January Energy Report

I’ve always been interested in the world around us and the impact planets have on us.  When I got into Energy Transformation in 2003, my interests expanded from Astrologers to those who could tune into the World and Environment and feeeeeeeel what was going on,...
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