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Sunny Skies Here I Come!

I used to love President’s Day weekend, mostly because my birthday falls around that time (it’s tomorrow!  woo hoo!) and it was always a treat to get the day off and go for a long weekend trip during college.  I’m trying to think when the last time I...

Going Virtual

Well, it took a little bit of finagling but I am soon to start working virtual!  One day a week to begin with, then bump it up to more!  The team is currently in the process of negotiating going from 2 days to 3 days a week!  That is awesome!  We are the only team who...

9th Chakra 1st Sunday Meditation

This morning I rolled out of bed and decided to do my meditation first thing and again while in the bathtub. I got my bubble bath and Epsom salt going in the tub and lit my candle. I usually like to do my bathing/washing in the shower, but since it was first thing...

2007 in Review

I’ve never been a big celebrator of New Year’s Eve.  My “new year” or time for reflection and planning always seemed to happen at the start of a new school year around August or September.  That habit stayed with me many years after I was...

7th Chakra 1st and 2nd Meditation

(taken from Meditation class Blogspot) For those who missed class, I will recap my in-class 7th Chakra meditation before I report on the second from tonight. In class meditation: I had black molten earth come up through my body and 3 pieces ended up on my head, much...

Headed to the Oregon Coast

I have mandatory time off from Dec 24 – Jan 1 from my jail cell and I have been thinking on and off since summer about where I wanted to go — Mexico again, Southern California, Arizona, Vegas, Montana, Utah… do I want to go visit friends or go...
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