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Body Talk

Last week broke me. It broke me wide open, spit me out, and left me feeling all alone. Yup! That can be the brutal reality of Healing (like why would I even want to heal and “go there”??). However, it is also the part so very necessary to re-construct...

2016 Book List: 121

A READING MACHINE! Apparently, I was a reading machine in 2016!  I think my goal was 60!  haha  I read 121 books!  I will say I’m getting used to reading electronically.  I don’t want to admit that it is second nature now so I’ll leave it at that.  I...

47 Life Lessons from a 47-year-old

Lessons are a big part of life.  They literally come with every experience!  Some lessons aren’t realized until way later, but that is okay!  Everything for a reason and in its time. Life lessons – what I’ve learned over the course of my 47 years on...


This is a story about how unconditional love and connection can find you even when you think you aren’t looking or ready! After I decided to stay in Placencia, my hotel host found me a place to sublease.  It was in the heart of the village – a great...
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