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My Favorite Number

I’ve always loved learning and mostly enjoyed school.  I connected with and was inspired by my teachers for the most part. I attended 3rd grade in Redding, California.  My teacher was a redhead named Miss Nathan, a strong, young woman.  She was so pretty to me...

What Do You Do For Fun?

I woke up this morning (albeit at 3 AM) from a glorious dream about my favorite disco band back in Seattle (I LOVE 70’s and 80’s music and I LOVE dancing).  I used to throw myself a Birthday party, called Jyllapalooza, every year at one of their gigs. ...

ROAR: What is it and How it Began

You may have noticed that I add a ROAR after a lot of things that I say (sentences, posts, comments). ROAR actually started over 10 years ago in emails to my friend Cindy.  I would write “We ROCK and ROAR!” or “Let’s ROCK and ROAR!” ...
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