gtag('config', 'G-F7T8ME966J'); gtag('config', 'G-F7T8ME966J');

Year End Reviews 2012-2017

Oh, Thank You, Facebook Memories!  Love these Year End Reviews, though clearly, I should be writing more than a little snippet! 2017 Review: 2017 started with a Bang by being soooo sick (runner-up to 2009 sickness) and never regaining full energy levels. I nursed a...


This is a story about how unconditional love and connection can find you even when you think you aren’t looking or ready! After I decided to stay in Placencia, my hotel host found me a place to sublease.  It was in the heart of the village – a great...

DO IT!!!

A friend posted something on Facebook today that asked if we could tell our younger self something in only two words, what would it be?  I usually don’t participate in those but my two words literally jumped out of my head to my hands on the keyboard.  I typed:...
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