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How did I get into Energy Healing?

“Energy Healing – how does one get into something like that and start doing it full time?” is a question I’ve been asked. My answer, “By accident!!” I believe now that I’ve always been an Intuitive Healer, especially when I...

Protection for Empaths

It’s been a cloudy, rainy, windy morning.  I’m enjoying the cooler temperatures.  The rain is pouring, then stopping.  I love the storms here in Belize.  Well, the non-dangerous ones!! I did a big electronic decluttering this morning on my Jyllicioous...

5-Step New Moon Ritual

I woke up at 3 am.  Crimes!  I suppose I got around 6 hours of sleep but I was really hoping for more!  Did you know that the energies of the Moon can interrupt or affect your sleep?  I seem to have sleep issues a few days before a Full or New Moon. It will not just...
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