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Healing Life Lessons

Yesterday I shared Lee Harris’ July Energy Report.  If you missed it you can check it out here.  I told you today I would share how it resonated with me and why.  So, here goes. Lee talked about 3 major themes occurring this month.  The first one was...

July Energy Report by Lee Harris

Lee Harris tunes into the Collective and reads the Energy and provides a report each month.  I found him last year.  I really enjoy his Energy Reports (he has been doing it a LOT longer than me!) and thought I would share this one with you.  In case you aren’t a...

Independence Day (USA)

Today is Independence Day in the USA.  On July 4, 1776, the USA declared its Independence from Great Britain.  It is a National Holiday and a time to get together with family and friends to BBQ, go boating, have a picnic, and set off fireworks. I am grateful for the...

July Energy Report

July is starting off with a bang with a New Moon in Cancer and a Total Solar Eclipse.  The energy is around a Life Re-set.  Focus your energy on expanding and improving your life. Really use this energy for Personal Transformation.  Roar!!! For the New Moon in Cancer,...
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