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Ultimate Blog Challenge Finale

The Ultimate Blog Challenge I’ve been participating in for the month of July ends today.  After getting over my desire to quit on Day 9, the rest of the month flew by and it is bittersweet that the last day is upon me.  I’ve been thinking about this blog...

Learning the Art of Self-Care

Self-Care is an important thing to practice.  Self-care is literally taking care of yourself Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, and Energetically. I believe Self-Care is a choice.  If each of us cultivated and practiced daily self-care rituals, we would free...

Who I Recommend You Follow

Everyone has their go-to person for certain things or industries.  I find that my online mentors change as I change.  Here are my current Top Picks. Crystals For all things Crystals, I love the teachings and energy of Stephanie, aka Hibiscus Moon.  Science teacher...
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