by Jyll Hoyrup | Jan 7, 2014 | Just Jyll's Book Review Blogs
9/21/2013 I seem to keep reading novels. GRR I’m working on a nonfrivolous book right now about Quantum Success and keep seeing things about The Alchemist and what do you know, that is on my shelf to read too, so I’m going to get my act together! I’m...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Jun 19, 2013 | Just Jyll's Book Review Blogs
Alright! I’m finding my reading groove! I’m making a conscious effort to read more…and fast (well, trying)!! 9. The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks I don’t know…the last two Sparks’ novels I read didn’t really do it for me. I...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Apr 6, 2013 | Just Jyll's Book Review Blogs
Kind of embarrassing to post, typically I’ve read twice this amount by now! In my defense of not reading near as much as usual and STILL not making my goal of reading books with much substance or knowledge… I have been focusing on launching a new...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Jan 3, 2013 | Just Jyll's Book Review Blogs
Well, the end of the year came and went. I will be reading more books this year than last, as is always the goal! (I’ll try to make them more meaningful too while I’m at it! 😉 24. Sexy Lexy by Kate Moore 25. Private by James Patterson & Maxine Paetro...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Dec 20, 2012 | Just Jyll's Book Review Blogs
I’ve got a few more books to add to the list… 21. Copy Kat by Karen Kijewski I used to read this Mystery series ten or so years ago and enjoyed them! I found this one at my favorite bookstore (Half Price Books) and you can’t go wrong for a Dollar! It...
by Jyll Hoyrup | Oct 23, 2012 | Just Jyll's Book Review Blogs
I have really slacked in my blogging and reading this year!! There are still a few months to hit my goal though, if I kick it into high gear! Of course I wanted to out-read last years book total (33), but more importantly I wanted to read more meaty books instead of...