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October 2018 Energy Report

Hi Roaring Intuitive! Does it feel like time is flying for you?  We are already halfway through October – didn’t October just start yesterday? To me, it feels like the energy of things is speeding up, pulsating quicker and magnifying itself in various...

Travel Bug

My eyes lingered on the map, taking in the Continents, Seas, Oceans, and Islands. I felt a sense of confusion, overwhelmed by the possibilities.  One of these places would be my next destination!  How would I ever choose? I blame (or would that be Thank?) my Mom for...

The Ultimate Blog Challenge — AGAIN??

Write and Roar!!  The Ultimate Blog Challenge began yesterday.  Part of me thinks I’m nuts to participate again, and part of me is excited and part of me is scared that I won’t keep up (I’ve been pretty bad at being consistent the last two months). I...
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