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The Five Love Languages

The Five Love Languages is a book by Gary Chapman about (surprise!) FIVE different kinds of love languages.  If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend it. Learning about your love language gives you insight into how YOU feel loved. Learning about others or...

Intuition Notebook

Yesterday I got a good dose of my own teachings and it was awesome!  About 15 months ago I started getting a TON of random vibes on a person in my life.  This was NOT information I was asking for nor was it a subject that I really wanted to know about!  But I did what...


How are you feeling post-Eclipse and Super New Moon energy?  (I am asking because I really want to know – let me know in the comments!).  We actually have another week or so before the Eclipse season officially ends.  I’m still feeling a lot of energy...

The Lost Art of Letter Writing

Letter writing slowly became a lost art for many people with the onset of Computers.  Granted, emailing took its place, but it isn’t the same. I began writing letters when we moved from Redding, California, up to Kirkland, Washington, in 1979.  My Mom got tired...

The Power of Affirmations

Affirmations are statements that create your beliefs about yourself.  They can either be positive empower you and lift you up or they can be negative and drag you down.  Your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between positive or negative or truth or...
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