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2016 Book List: 121

A READING MACHINE! Apparently, I was a reading machine in 2016!  I think my goal was 60!  haha  I read 121 books!  I will say I’m getting used to reading electronically.  I don’t want to admit that it is second nature now so I’ll leave it at that.  I...

Channeled Message 3-27-2017

Hi Dear Ones, It’s time to embrace the NEW.  What does that look like for you?  What does that mean for you?  Answering will be exciting and FUN, not scary! The energies of the earth are changing.  Your bodies are changing as they begin to adapt to the new...

Channeled Message 3-20-2017

Dear Spring-ers, Look around you.  There is NEWNESS all around.  New thoughts.  New ideas. New Energy.  A New You!  Get your hair cut!  Cut off all that old energy.  Buy a new pair of sandals.  Get a Spring in your Step because NOW is the time to come out of the...

Channeled Message 3-13-2017

Dear Ones, As we move forward into the new energies of the planet, your communities and even yourselves please be gentle with yourself!  Not everything has to be done right this moment and you are also not the one who has to do “everything”.  We know you...

Channeled Message 3-6-2017

Oh Precious Souls! Finally she lets us talk to you!!  She’s been holding out on us!  (laughs) Your time is NOW.  Stop procrastinating doing what you really want to do, what makes your heart sing. Spend some time today to tune in.  Really sit for a few moments...
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