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How have you been feeling lately?  The energies have still been really Intense, however, I have felt some shifts – have you?  I know smoother energy is ahead!

Today Mercury goes Direct so we should feel things smooth out in the areas of Electronics, Communication, and Travel (delays, etc).  We will be in the Mercury Shadow period until mid-August.  This means the energy is still there to finish projects and tie up loose ends!

Last week before I went Live for Manifestation Monday my computer shut down for no reason.  When I turned it back on I had an error message that my battery didn’t have enough power and would need to be replaced.  What the heck?  This laptop is only 2 years old!  I opened it up and my battery was warped!  Thank you, Mercury, for bringing that to my attention!  Why?  Because we don’t have things like that here – nothing is easy to get here.  It just so happens that there are a lot of people traveling back to Belize from the US who can bring me a battery so I really am thanking Mercury that the problem was discovered!

This week before I went Live for Manifestation Monday the beta program that I use to put titles up on the screen didn’t work!  I ended up being 5 minutes late!  Granted, it was probably user error (aka yours truly!) but still!  Mercury at its finest.  I love noticing these things!  What are you noticing??

Speaking of Manifestation Monday, if you haven’t had a chance to tune in to one of them, you are truly missing out!!  We pull in the energies of what is going on that week to help us Ignite, Expand, and Magnify our Intentions.

One gal’s intention manifested 30 SECONDS after the Live ended. Another gal got a call halfway through the Live that she got the job she was trying to manifest!  The Zap It Up™ process I’ve created is REAL and it WORKS!!!

For this week’s Live, we tapped into the MASTER 22 DAY energy of Tuesday (first time and boy was it a treat – a very calming and grounding energy) as well as the SUPER New Moon energy of today!

You can find all of the Manifestation Monday’s over on my YouTube channel as well as other video teachings I have done over the past year.  Please subscribe!  I am trying to grow it!  ROAR!!!

The Eclipse season is closing now too, although the energies of Eclipses last for up to 6 months!!

Tonight we have the SUPER New Moon.  If there was ever a great time to have a Ceremony tapping into your hopes and dreams, and setting goals AND WRITING THEM DOWN, NOW is the time!!  If you don’t have your own Ceremony, try this 5-Step New Moon Ritual that I created.

USE these Energies to help propel you into the Life you want to create for yourself.  And come join us on Manifestation Monday – you can receive a Messenger notification by signing up here as I sometimes don’t get around to sending an email.

Here’s to your POWERFUL Intentions and ROARing them into existence!!!

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