gtag('config', 'G-F7T8ME966J'); gtag('config', 'G-F7T8ME966J');

Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018

It was a chilly 72 degrees when I woke up at 3 AM.  Amazing how my body is acclimated to the cold (what I now feel as freezing used to be considered warm in Washington!) but yet the heat – – not so much!! What is with that!!!?? I keep thinking about my...

Happy Holidays + Year End Review

I hope you are enjoying the Holiday Season in whatever way you choose to celebrate, and whatever it is that you celebrate! I grew up celebrating Christmas but haven’t been into the Holiday’s, in general, for years.  I spent yesterday on a boat fishing! ...

Letting Go – Channeled Message

It’s a cloudy, windy morning in Belize.  The birds are chirping and rustling about.  Puppy is on the porch snoozing (cracks me up how she goes from inside to outside with no potty break!).  I connected with some Friends on Whatsapp this morning – felt...

Good, Good, Good, Good Vibrations

Dear Powerful Creator, Do you have The Beach Boys song stuck in your head now?  😉 It’s 68 degrees (freezing to me) here in Belize.  I’ve got my hoodie on and I’m cozied up in my bed trying to keep warm.  I threw a towel over Puppy (she didn’t...
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