gtag('config', 'G-F7T8ME966J'); gtag('config', 'G-F7T8ME966J');

After The Eclipse

Hi, Precious! How are you doing After The Eclipse?  Some say they are exhausted. Others say they are finally feeling some relief.  I am one of the rare ones who wasn’t feeling much leading up to or the day of.  I figure I enjoyed the eclipse during my process...

Clear and Protect

I feel like I am finally getting back into the swing of having normal energy and back to creating a daily routine. How about you? Recently I spent a week in Mexico and received a huge lesson that I’d like to tell you about. I LOVE Playa del Carmen, Mexico. In...

Gear Up and Break Out

HELLO, HELLO!! “It’s been two months since my last email,” she confesses. Holy Process! Every time I sat down to write you, nothing came! I was in a complete stupor. My energy was soooo low and lacking. I simply honored my body (that it needed rest)...
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