gtag('config', 'G-F7T8ME966J'); gtag('config', 'G-F7T8ME966J');

Channeled Message 4-25-2017

(Each week I tune into the energy of my Community and channel a message. This message is just for YOU if you are reading this!) Dear Ones, We invite you to take stock on what is frustrating you in your life, or what isn’t working. Are you too busy?  Are you not...

Channeled Message 4-18-2017

Dear One, Go deep inside and know that you have ALL ANSWERS within you.  They may be hidden behind something else or need to be dusted off, but they are there! Give yourself some more credit – like A LOT MORE – for knowing who you are and what you want....

Channeled Message 4-10-2017

Dear Souls, The energies have been fluctuating between Gung Ho Let’s Go and Stop, I need to Rest. Listen and allow.  Go with what you need in each moment. Some of you are so “busy” you can’t see straight.  Some of you are so “busy”...

Channeled Message 4-3-2017

Hi Butterfly, Are you ready to take flight?  Are you ready to realize and embrace your Dreams and start Soaring and Roaring towards them? You have EVERYTHING inside you that you need to make your dreams a Reality.  Some of you allow LIFE to get in the way and cover up...
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