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Hi Precious Warrior,

I’m entering unchartered territory today.  I’m emailing you when I’m not UP and ON.  I don’t know if it is the Cloudy, Rainy weather (I left Seattle for this reason.  Crimes!!) or alllllll the energetic stuff going on.

I posted in a group today about this feeling – lacking motivation, low energy, wanting to stay in bed in the morning.  Can you relate?  I’m not depressed – I know what that feels like.  I guess the best way to describe it is that I’m BLAH.

I got an email today from a new free photo site a friend referred me to.  As I was scrolling through the photos, this one spoke to me.
It described my feeling perfectly (Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash).
Does it bring up anything for you??

For me, it brought up the fact that I am traveling a Road that I have chosen.  It also brought up the distinct Awareness that I cannot see what is ahead of me.  I truly do not know what is next.   The fog doesn’t allow me to see what is coming up around the bend.

From the Guides:
When you KNOW you are on your Road or Path but you cannot see what is ahead of you — Stop looking ahead.  Look at the scenery.  Look at the yellow line protecting you from oncoming traffic.  Look at the white lines that illuminate the edge of your lane.

Stop trying to figure out the HOW and the WHEN.


What is good RIGHT NOW?
What is working right NOW?
What is something not working that you can let go of or shift?

You have all of the answers within.  You have the inner knowing.  You have the still small voice of your Intuition.  You are not without answers.  Seek them in different ways.

The path isn’t meant to be viewed from the Beginning.

More can be seen from the Middle but even then it will remain a surprise until you reach the end.

And who says there is an end?  Maybe the path connects to another path and that is the best, right way for you at that moment.

There are no wrong Roads.  There are no wrong decisions.

Everything you have done has led you to this point.

Everything you do now will lead you to the next point.

Take a deep breath and put your foot back on the gas pedal.

ME again:  You know, typically with fog, it looks ominous when you see it ahead but once you are in it you can see like normal (depending on how thick it is right!).  Maybe remembering that is enough for now. (That is worthy to be a Deep Thought by Jyll Handey!)

Thanks for reading and being here.

Let’s ROCK our ROAR!!


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