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I’m amped up for Manifestation Monday!  Are you?  We had a powerful one last week with the Full Moon energies.  Today I feel some calm packing a punch energy – it is subtle but there.  I can’t wait to tap into it!  Join us at Noon PST / 1 pm MST/Belize / 3 pm EST / 8 PM London / 12:45 AM Nepal / 5 AM AEST.  If you want to receive Messenger notifications please click here.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I’ve had a lot of changes in my life lately.  I moved.  My relationship ended.  I’m still working on getting my energy and strength back after enduring a tooth infection for 7 months.  Yeah, kind of a lot right!!

One thing I have been working on is my physical health.  I gained 25 lbs due to the Tooth Fiasco — having zero energy both in body and brain.  That is a lot for my little frame and something I am NOT used to at all.

I still feel very rundown energetically and physical so instead of jumping straight into an exercise routine, I decided there were other things I could start doing to get me on track:

  • Drink more water
  • Drink apple cider vinegar in my water (1 Quart a day)
  • Start taking a Probiotic (the antibiotics wreaked havoc on my system – time to get the GOOD bacteria back in!)
  • Eat more greens (lettuce, kale, basil, veggies)

I call that going back to the basics.  Part of it is being conscious about what goes into my mouth.

Last week I decided it was time to exercise so I started every morning with some abs and pushups.  I’m not talking a crazy amount.  Baby Steps right!?  I did 2 sets of 5 pushups on my knees and a variety of abs – 20 each.

That’s it!  Just enough to get my body going again.

When I got into my bikini for Lobsterfest this past weekend I noticed how well my bottoms went up and fit!  I then grabbed a pair of shorts that had not been fitting lately and they totally fit!  I measured myself and had lost 1.5 inches of belly fat!!

I’ve merely created new habits and been diligent and consistent.  I swear by the Probiotic.  OH!  I almost forgot – I’m also doing intermittent fasting and I feel that is a huge help as well.

I will be increasing the Exercise now too!  Just a little Baby Step at a time.

Does this inspire you?  I hope so!  You can do this with ANYTHING that you want to create or change in your life.  Why not?  It just takes a decision and a Baby Step – tiny action every day toward your goal.

If you struggle with what your Baby Step would be, let me know in the comments!  I’ll tune in and give you some Guidance!

Here’s to your Baby Step and ROAR!!!

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