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Hi, Precious!

Archangel Ariel is already laughing and giving me the Message, so here goes!

(laughing) Hi Baby!


We told Jyll this the other day when she was getting overwhelmed about Things she wanted to do. Soooo many ideas. Sooo many things on the To Do list. Why so many? Why overwhelm yourself?

Why try to do too much all at once?


YES! Even smaller ones than the small ones you think you are taking!

Break down the task into even smaller steps! Pick the things that move you forward NOW and put the rest of the list on the back burner. And DO NOT – We Repeat – DO NOT feel bad about it!

There is so much self-inflicted Pressure. Stop trying to get to “everything” and get to THE THING that matters most right now in this moment. Take action on THE THING that will move you forward right now in this moment.

This isn’t a race. This is life. Your task is to LIVE IT in the NOW and feel Joy while you are living.

Whew! Okay now that Archangel Ariel has spoken, I want to give you one of the stories behind the message.

Energetically I feel my body never really recovered after having that awful flu January-March. I have hardly exercised this year. My body only wants to rest (true story – I ask it everyday if today is the day we get started again – nope. WTH – What The Heck!)!!

And I’ve honored that until the other day. I decided I didn’t care what my body wanted. I felt like a hunk of balunk so I did a Plank for a minute and Abs for a minute. Then I thought I can keep going so I did abs for another minute.

THREE MINUTES of Exercise!! Woo Hoo!! I was proud of myself!! At least I did SOMETHING, Right!!

Then I saw an ad for a 30-Day Challenge. I clicked. I liked the energy of the chick doing it. I learned it is ONLY a 15-minute workout. I told myself that is perfect and I could totally handle 15-minutes of exercise each day! (I must have been on an adrenaline rush from my 3 minutes of exercise! HA!)

I finished Day 2 (HOT ABS) before this email to you. Believe you me, I am feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling muscles I haven’t felt in a looooooooong time. I did modifications and went slower than she did in the video.

But I’m doing it! It’s not exactly a smaller baby step (I would have liked to keep with the 3 minutes – haha) but I will apply the smaller steps to biz stuff that I am tackling. The challenge felt right and a way to get me back on the exercise habit!

It’s only 15-Minutes a day if you want to join in ( ! You don’t need anything but your body!!

Here’s to ROCKING and ROARING our Smaller Baby Steps!!

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