Have you felt a bit of a shift since the Full Moon last weekend? I have!!
We are over halfway through Mercury Retrograde now – only 10 days until it goes direct!
This morning I was thinking how glad I am the first quarter of 2018 is over – HUGE, DEEP HEALING going on and a lot of emotional ups and downs. There was something symbolic about being in a new month and quarter. Endings and Beginnings. I’m finally feeling like I’ve turned the corner. For the last two months, I have spent the majority of my time in Mexico which has been a great place to heal, have fun, and regroup.
How are you doing? Do you notice the energy around you and how it affects you?
Mercury Retrograde has not disappointed with wonky electronics as well as miscommunications with those close to me. Mercury governs electronics, communications, and travel.
Once I started studying Mercury Retrograde, what it meant, and started tracking it – I could see all the areas it contributed or magnified certain areas of my life. I’m learning about other planetary retrogrades too.
Jupiter is Retrograde (March 8 – July 9) now as well which is a time for philosophical and spiritual introspection and reflection.
Your Message from the Guides is:
Stay the Course. Magnify your Gifts. Live in Your Truth.
Find your Passion. Be your Best You.
Step up and Out of your Comfort zone. Go the Distance.
Many of you have ideas and dreams of how to live your life with more passion and purpose — what are you waiting for? What exactly is holding you back? Are they real or imagined reasons/fears/excuses, etc?
Are you writing down your Goals and the steps you need to take to accomplish them? Are you making the steps BABY Steps? (We love our baby steps!)
If you would like some guidance or help getting clear on these next steps we can cover a lot in a 15-minute session ($25)!
Here’s to your ROAR!!!