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“Energy Healing – how does one get into something like that and start doing it full time?” is a question I’ve been asked.

My answer, “By accident!!”

I believe now that I’ve always been an Intuitive Healer, especially when I take past lives into consideration.  However, life and choices sometimes get in the way.  Even when I was introduced to Energy Healing and Transformation via the Matrix Energetics modality (in 2003), I didn’t think, let alone declare, that I would eventually be doing Energy Healing full time!  I was head deep living in my brain and working a 9-5 job.  I couldn’t fathom there could be another way to live.

myersalex216 / Pixabay

After 2003, when I was introduced to the wild world of Quantum Physics, my life began to change.  It was inevitable.  The more you play in the field of Possibilities, the more you use your Imagination and the more you start tapping into your Intuition, the less you need to use your brain for the “logic” because you’ve got the proof in the pudding (your intuition – which is literally what I called it as I was learning how to tune into my gut – I imagined myself jumping into a big pan of chocolate pudding – my favorite.  My mentor would say “go deeper”.).

There were two important events that officially started this path that were prior to 2003.  One was in 1996, working with a Chiropractor in Kirkland, Washington (shout out to Dr. Michael Taggart!) who used Neuro-Emotional Technique (N.E.T.).  The premise is that the body works as a system – Biology, Structural, Chemical, and Emotional – and that the Nervous System stores all of our emotions in our cells.  I experienced the truth of this as everything we cleared on an emotional level had previously been dealt with on a mental level, in counseling.  I was very intrigued by this.  I was healed from TMJ (Thermo-mandibular Joint) after only 3 months of sessions, a problem the Dentist, Orthodontist and Physical Therapist all said I would deal with forever.

Around this time, I was given a book by a coworker called “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay.  The book discusses how our emotions (and I’d add energy) create our physical illnesses and ailments.

The second event was after my second divorce in the early 2000’s when my therapist began using Healing From The Body level up during our sessions.  I learned later it was EFT plus some other things.  Now that I’m googling I see it is a combination of biomedical science, psychology, spirituality, applied kinesiology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Energy Psychology.  I made lots of progress and it wasn’t long after that I was introduced to Energy Healing and stopped going to therapy because I was shifting so much more during Energy Healing sessions.

During my first 20-minute Matrix Energetics session in October 2003 (age 33), a Death Wish that I had from age 15 (1985) was released, cleared, and healed.  Richard Bartlett, ND, DC, helped me discover that it wasn’t me.  This “Death Wish” came from an Entity that I picked it up in Egypt.  It made me wish I was Dead or that other bad things would happen to me.  I lived with that thing for 18 years, can you believe it?  GONE in 20 minutes.  I felt the immediate shift and change that evening.  (Guess who just started doing Entity removal healings?  And, we’ve come full circle folks!!)

geralt / Pixabay

From 2003-2011, I attended Seminars, took classes, practiced on others, and worked closely with mentors.  I was just goofing off (I thought).  Really what I was doing was honing my skills, trusting my intuition and gaining a ton of confidence.

In 2011, I started my Jyllicious™ business.  I had no idea what I was doing.  I especially didn’t know how to manage my time (or energy!) when I was exhausted from working all day in a factory environment that was NOT conducive to being highly sensitive, empathic and intuitive.  Plus I was up at 4 AM and started work at 530 AM, which made for a loooooooooooooong day.

I received certifications as a Reiki Master (2012) and Crystal Healer (2014).  I was always studying something to gain knowledge and improve my skills (still am!).  My Spirit Guides finally yelled at me to stop getting Certifications!  They said to start doing it and forget about the pieces of paper that “proved” I could do it.  The proof was in my abilities and in the results my clients felt.

I listened.  My Energy Healing turned into Intuitive Healing and eventually morphed into my own Jyllicious™ style of healing that incorporates all of the modalities I’ve learned, plus things my Guides and Intuition teach/show me.  ROAR!

On top of being an Intuitive Healer, I reached Master Psychic status last year.  I also began Sound Healing this past year.  I’ve been a channeler since 2010.  I recognize, but don’t always want to admit, that I am a Psychic Medium.  Apparently, I’m a Jyll of all Psychic Trades!

It wasn’t until my Leap to Belize in December 2014, that I became immersed completely in my Business.  There were no other distractions (well, besides Rum and Sun!).  It was in the last two years that I got clarity about my Business, built this website and charged forward full Roar ahead!

So that is how it all began, by accident or Soul Core Awareness, it will keep evolving and growing into More.  ROAR!

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