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I’m back in Belize and ready to ROCK my ROAR with some new energy, idea, habits, a cleanse (haha – rolls eyes, darn Tequila!) and FUN!

My Soul is jumping out of my body EXCITED right now because the Jyllicious™ Academy of Spiritual Growth is now accepting members!  WOOT WOOT!

Who else is excited!?  I know a few of you emailed that you were joining – YAY!

I had a Tender, a-ha moment the other day when emailing Mom to tell her about launching the Academy.  She isn’t into any of this so I rarely talk about it.  I was in a sharing mood that day, though, and it was in this sharing that I realized… I used to take tests in college to find out what kind of career I would be good at.  I remember some of them:  Librarian, Counselor, Social Worker, Teacher…*ding ding ding*  TEACHER!!!  I felt like I’d come full circle and understood my life purpose in a new way.

I never saw myself as a school teacher.  But I totally see myself as YOUR teacher.  I actually feel like I am a bit counselor, social worker and maybe even librarian (books!!!).  I love to help teach, train and motivate people!  It is a passion that kind of snuck up on me.

Are you looking for a teacher, a Mentor?  Someone who has braved the path before you, fought her inner demons (and WON), battled the issues and come out Stronger than Ever?  Someone who has honed her skills to a point that she is a Master Psychic?  Do you want that Someone to show you the ropes in a way that you will be excited to learn from and who will help you apply your Gifts to your life?

Then join the Academy of Spiritual Growth because that is where I will be expending my time and energy on YOU — those who want to IGNITE their Gifts and EMPOWER their SOUL.

What you will get from me is Time, Energy, Commitment, FUN, and Authenticity.  I will likely make mistakes as this is my first time, but I’ll tell you about them, learn and grow and do things differently because of them.  I use my Intuition and Guides in EVERYTHING I do in my life (and have been for years) and the Academy will be no exception.  I walk my Roar (and talk).

I talked about my Mentor in previous emails.  Guess what?  I STILL have a mentor.  I still bounce things off of her – even when I know my own Intuition is correct, sometimes I want a little confirmation.  Or like last week when I was trying to figure out when to leave Mexico to travel back to Belize I kept getting different days to leave so I double checked with her, and a few others I trust, to see what they were getting.  Some got the same as me, others didn’t.  I realized it probably didn’t matter which day – I was changing so much and energy was changing so much that the general timeframe I was getting was correct.

So if you want to JUMP IN and live your life REALLY USING your Spiritual Gifts, then the Academy is for you!  You will have to do the work, though.  Your path and growth are your own.  I can help you with specific ways for YOU to learn (that is what I am good at – individualizing training) but you’ve gotta be the one to do it.  *truth bomb*

The Grand Opening introductory investment to join the Jyllicious™ Academy of Spiritual Growth is $39 USD per month.

Here’s everything that is included:

  • Intake Form with detailed info on your Intuitive Gifts, Guides and Guardian Angels.  Intuitive Gifts will be reviewed quarterly so we can track your growth/progress.
  • 4 lessons per month
  • 2 Live Q&A calls
  • 2 Live Intuitive Reading calls
  • 1 Group Healing
  • Private Facebook Group (of course)


  • a 15-minute session for 3 members

Does that ROCK your ROAR or what?  Do you have questions?  Hit reply and ASK!  Otherwise, high-tail it over to review the details and purchase!

Important Info:

  • This IS a monthly recurring subscription payment through PayPal.
  • You can cancel at any time.  No refunds for partial months.
  • After you purchase you will be asked to review and agree to the Waiver and Academy Guidelines.  If you do not want to submit your agreement then email me at and you will be given a refund.

I’ll keep the doors open to join through MAY 7, next Saturday.
Limit on number of Members = 30.  There will be a limit of how many members can join and as of now, that number is 30 (per intuition!)…so get your spot, pronto!

If you don’t know or aren’t sure, use your intuition (!!!) or email me and ask me what my intuition says (believe me if I get NO I will tell you).  Just a thought!

I look forward to helping you ignite your gifts and empower your soul!  ROAR!!!

Here’s to your ROAR!!

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