If you haven’t slept well this past week (or possibly longer) then it is likely you have been feeling the effects of today’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer.
Cancer is a water sign so you may be feeling more emotional or emotions lately. You may be dealing with things in the area of home, family, security and shadow work. I have felt myself catapulted into another (yes, another!) round of healing and releasing. How about you?
Eclipses are magnificent (and sometimes brutal) intense energies that help us with both Beginnings and Endings. The energies of an Eclipse can occur 3-6 months prior to the actual Eclipse and 6-12 months after the eclipse.
Because the energies are so big, we can use them to our benefit as we go through things in our life.
I’m feeling an increase in my psychic gifts over the past 6+ months and I’m getting the intuitive vibe now that the eclipse energies are instigating and helping that in a variety of ways! Pretty cool!
3 ways to use the Eclipse Energies
1. Notice, recognize (put a name to it) and allow your feelings.
2. Allow what no longer resonants to release from your life.
3. Notice and act on new Ideas that come into your awareness.
Here’s to your ROAR!!!
Sometimes I feel the effects, and others not so much. Right now, I don’ think I do. Is there a reason for that? Can I ‘block’ the effects? Do they not affect me? So many questions!
That’s totally normal Paul. I typically feel the effects WEEKS in advance but I’m super sensitive. You may not have any “big” things going on energetically for you right now, and that is perfectly fine. What you can do is start paying attention to the planetary and moon cycles. Start noticing what goes on for you energetically and emotionally. It sounds like you can already distinguish when you feel the effects…keep going with that. You’re lucky if you aren’t as affected!
My daughters dad is a Cancer. He has been on my nerves in a big way lately – and since I am working to free myself of his influence (releasing what no longer resonates) by becoming financially independent… oh, the pain.
I didn’t even know this eclipse was happening until last night. The moon was glorious. Is the fact the moon was full make a difference in how we receive the energy?
Like Paul, always questions! 🙂
Good for you Julie – release away!!! Full and New Moons are typically stronger energetically. I don’t feel it has to make a difference. I feel it can also be where we are at in life that brings the “bigger” impact regardless of the phase of the moon.
I never know that? Beautiful picture.
I don’t think what’s happening on the other side of the globe will have much of an affect on me, Jyll.
I did consider traveling to see it, though.
Emotions high and somewhat rocky in our house this week, especially with my 18 year old daughter. I practiced deep self-care yesterday with a massage and evening out with girlfriends. Woke up today feeling like a new woman. Thanks for these great reminders and tips for noticing the impact on our energy of this eclipse.