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This Eclipse season’s energies have been getting me at a deep level, how about you?

Sun hidden by Moon Eclipse

???? What I’m picking up intuitively about this Eclipse Season is this:☀️We can’t play small anymore. It’s time to RISE and SHINE above how we have beenliving our lives up to this point. There is MORE for us to be, and do. We are up to the challenge.????️There is NO ROOM for anything that doesn’t resonate with you. This feels stronger to methan a normal “release at the Full moon”. It feels like our life DEPENDS on getting rid of theenergies (people, places, things) that don’t MATCH US. By getting rid of what no longer servesus or resonates with us, we are getting ready for the things that Resonate More – and they arecoming sooooon!✳️ Repeat patterns are coming up again for CLOSING HOUR. If you haven’t dealt with itbefore, here is your chance! Get in there, go deep, and gitter done once and for all!???? Full Moon Lunar Eclipse tomorrow – use the energies to help you move forward in new ways.

I’ve been in a big purge the last few months – unsubscribing to newsletters, unfriending people on
Facebook, leaving groups on Facebook, and reevaluating all relationships in my life. It feels really
empowering – I encourage you to do the same! It’s an easy way to clear the energy that you no
longer resonate with. Try it and see!

HOWL and ROAR!!!Jyll

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