Hi Butterfly,
Are you ready to take flight? Are you ready to realize and embrace your Dreams and start Soaring and Roaring towards them?
You have EVERYTHING inside you that you need to make your dreams a Reality. Some of you allow LIFE to get in the way and cover up what is really inside.
Have the courage to LET IT OUT.
Be willing to be HONEST WITH YOURSELF about what you want to DO AND BE. Many of you are floundering with this. Be BRAVE.
Be willing to allow old beliefs to be released and fall by the wayside, never turning back to them again. We are sending you a wave of energy to Release those old beliefs that no longer serve you.
Change or Release doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to feel difficult and overwhelming. It is as simple as noticing what you don’t want or need and making a CHOICE to move forward, do and be, in a new way.
Try it this week. Notice one thing, just one, that you would like to change or release. Have a conscious ceremony where you let go of it. This could be self-talk, writing it out and burning it or anything that consciously brings the awareness to what you are releasing.
Take deep breaths. Imagine and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel this thing/idea/belief leaving your awareness. You may physically feel it leaving your body.
How does that feel? Do you feel lighter?
You are on Earth at this time to live in these Energies because you have a Purpose, Gifts and Vision to share with the World.
It is time. Don’t let Yourself stop you from living your hearts desire.
With Love,
The Guides