gtag('config', 'G-F7T8ME966J'); gtag('config', 'G-F7T8ME966J');

Dear Souls,

The energies have been fluctuating between Gung Ho Let’s Go and Stop, I need to Rest.

Listen and allow.  Go with what you need in each moment.

Some of you are so “busy” you can’t see straight.  Some of you are so “busy” because that is what you think you need to do – have a packed schedule – in order to get things done.

This is just not true.  When you are resting, a lot of ‘work’ is being done behind the energetic scenes.

You may be feeling a little lost right now.  We are sending out Energy to help you gain clarity and embrace your purpose.

Close your eyes and feeeeeel this wave of energy crash over and through you, taking with it any stagnant, unuseful energy with it as it flows through your body.

You have much to Be.  What is stopping you?

We want to hear your ROAR!!

Please hit reply and let me know how that resonates for you!

Here’s to your ROAR!

With Love,

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