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Hi Dear Ones,

It’s time to embrace the NEW.  What does that look like for you?  What does that mean for you?  Answering will be exciting and FUN, not scary!

The energies of the earth are changing.  Your bodies are changing as they begin to adapt to the new energies.  More is happening to you on a cellular level.  Some of you are tired as you integrate.  Some of you are invigorated, enlightened and antsy to get going on new projects.

Take time to listen to your body and spirit during these changes and integrations.  REST when you need to rest.  Stop being so “busy”.

Know that you are held in the great, loving arms of the Universe during this time.  The Universe is seeing that all of your needs are met.

Prepare for new ideas and intrigue.  Prepare to be given insight that may seem off the wall.  You will be given a different perspective so you understand.

Remember it is time to take action.  To live with intent daily.  To step into your gifts and really live your life.

With love,
The Guides

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