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Happy New Year 2020

My 2020 started out with my website having issues YET AGAIN.  Issues seemed to be the 2019 theme!  I promptly and haphazardly launched this new site. I imported all my blogs and here we are, just in time to start the Ultimate Blog Challenge (still time to join!). The...

Writing to Future Me

I found this wonderful site, promptly bookmarked it then forgot about it — for a year or two at least.  I recently noticed it in my bookmarks and investigated it again. It is called Future Me and is a way to write a letter to yourself IN THE FUTURE.  How cool is...

The Ultimate Blog Challenge

The Ultimate Blog Challenge is underway again this January! Will you join us? I participated for the full month last July. I signed up to do it again in October but didn’t make it very far. I’m rip-roaring and ready to go again!! I’m keep my Goal...

The Ultimate Blog Challenge — AGAIN??

Write and Roar!!  The Ultimate Blog Challenge began yesterday.  Part of me thinks I’m nuts to participate again, and part of me is excited and part of me is scared that I won’t keep up (I’ve been pretty bad at being consistent the last two months). I...

The Lost Art of Letter Writing

Letter writing slowly became a lost art for many people with the onset of Computers.  Granted, emailing took its place, but it isn’t the same. I began writing letters when we moved from Redding, California, up to Kirkland, Washington, in 1979.  My Mom got tired...
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