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My Authentic Self – finally at 37!

I knew that turning 37 was going to be Life Altering but I had no idea what that meant until today.  I really like the numbers “3” and “7” so putting them together had to mean something Great!  Oddly, as it drew time for my Birthday, I was not...


Well, I just found out I was the victim of credit card fraud.  I can’t believe it!  Luckily, they didn’t get away with it.  They were in San Bernadino CA so the bank thought a $600 purchase at Target was a bit suspicious.  Then they tried for a $400...

Total Violation

Early this morning I received my first ticket for a traffic violation.  I can’t believe it!  I have been driving just weeks shy of 22 years!  I’ve only been pulled over once for speeding (coming up 85th in Kirkland) but for some reason I did not get a...

Do you have a Passport?

There is something very American/Patriotic about having a Passport.  I just decided this as I was asking my sister today if one was needed to get into Mexico (not needed until the first of the year apparently).  I am traveling to Mexico over Christmas (via San Diego)...

Ode to Zeke

I didn’t grow up with dogs, we were more a cat family, so when the husband and I were going to buy a house, I figured to go with the house we needed a dog.  Makes sense, right?  There was one thing wrong with that picture – I knew absolutely Nothing about...
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