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2017 Reading and Book Review

The 2017 Reading Frenzy ended at 79 books.  The last few months of the year I was scrambling to read more as my goal was 90.  Oh well!  79 is not too shabby!  I don’t know if I will ever beat my 121 read in 2016 but will strain my eyes trying!!! UPDATES and...

2016 Book List: 121

A READING MACHINE! Apparently, I was a reading machine in 2016!  I think my goal was 60!  haha  I read 121 books!  I will say I’m getting used to reading electronically.  I don’t want to admit that it is second nature now so I’ll leave it at that.  I...

2015 Book List: 90

WOW! I’m kind of impressed that I read 90 books this year!! Granted, being able to do what I want every day allowed for a lot of reading time! One thing I had to get used to this year was reading on a Kindle (sigh). I really struggled with this because there is...

2014 Book List

I keep meaning to read the Classics but seem to always go back to my Mysteries. I need the mindless escape I guess! 1. Calamity Jane – Kathleen Bacus 2. Soul Mates – Richard Webster 3. Pall in the Family – Dawn Eastman 4. The Affair – Lee Child...
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