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Lee Harris tunes into the Collective and reads the Energy and provides a report each month.  I found him last year.  I really enjoy his Energy Reports (he has been doing it a LOT longer than me!) and thought I would share this one with you. 

In case you aren’t a Watcher (I really do not prefer to watch Videos myself!), I will include my notes below the video. 

Let me know in the comments how it resonates with you!  Tomorrow I will share how and in what ways this Energy Report resonated with me.  

We are Surfing through Energetic Extremes: Speed, Transformation, Happenings to wake and shake us up.

There are 3 Themes:

  1.  Alignment/Rejection

    Alignment: Connect with people meant to connect with
    Rejection: wound – love/connection playing out in your life

    These two things need each other.
    Rejection isn’t about you – but the other person. We lose our sense of power and connection.

    There is a Healing Arc for this over next couple of months – new alignment, new opportunities appear.

  2. Elevation/Depletion

    Elevation: euphoric, deeply connected.
    Depletion: energy crash – ask: How do I deal with it? How are we grounding? What tools am I using?

  3. Realization/Reflection

    Realization: Epiphanies – past events, current events, the way we see our life.
    Reflection: Take a new way of seeing and look back and see better.

    [bctt tweet=”Realizations require reflection for us to make useful change.” username=”justjyll “]

    Ground the energy.

    Have realization then let the energy come back down and settle — then look at your patterns of behavior from before, and up ahead.

    Fast Awakening Stages – know profound things are happening.

    Take moments to stop and breathe and notice what you’re learning and experiencing differently.

    Ask: How do I want to apply this? What does it mean to Who I Am and Where I’m Going?
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