I know you doubt yourself sometimes. I know you doubt your Intuition sometimes or a lot of the time. I’m to the point where I don’t doubt myself anymore but sometimes I am confused by my Intuition (for my personal life). Sometimes Reality doesn’t match Intuition. Then there is that glorious (insert eye roll here) Divine Timing always plays a part in Intuition.
No matter where you are on your Intuitive path, guess what? There is ALWAYS room for improvement! I’m constantly learning new things about my intuition and how to navigate it.
When I was introduced to Matrix Energetics in 2003, I was in awe by everything I was learning, feeling and starting to SEE intuitively. I was shifting physical things on people during practice sessions! People were feeeeeeling shifts during distant healing sessions! Whatever this was, was happening and worked!
I saw Richard and his then biz partner, Mark, as a client for 3 years. I attended Seminars as often as they were held in Seattle. One day Mark was on vacation and this gal Michele was covering his clients. I was a bit disgruntled at first because I’d been working with these guys for 3 years and who is this Michele chick? I had met her at the last Seminar but didn’t know much about her or really have a sense for her at all.
I call it Divine Intervention now. It was 2006 and after that session with Michele, I never went back to the others. Why? Because of her energy and her groundedness. AND she cleared a relationship pattern that I had had since my 2nd divorce in 1999 (choosing unavailable men to keep me safe from trusting myself to get married again). ROAR!
Within two days of our session, I met a guy. He wanted to commit to me after 3 weeks and be my boyfriend. (Tender!) Energy Healing is amazing and I keep having profound and insightful experiences both during my own healings and those of my clients.
I saw Michele as a client for 4 years. We built a friendship. She ended up Mentoring me. Of course, Miss Questions here had a lot to ask and find out about each session. I was her apprentice in some ways, going into the mountains multiple times to help her work on a dying client (she has kept that client alive for 21 years now!).
Being a Mentor is like being a Coach. You get a Coach to learn Golf, Tennis, or any other sport (at least I would totally need one! I am not a natural athlete!). I hired a Mentor to help me after I started my Business and didn’t know what to do. You can find a coach or mentor for anything, and you should if it is something you want to learn about or an area you want to grow in.
A coach or mentor has gone before you. They’ve learned from mistakes. They have discovered a way to teach and present information in a way that helps many learn. Some coaches are great and others fall flat (pun intended?). Use your Intuition to help discern if a certain coach or mentor is right for you!
I trained new employees for two years before I left Boeing. I found I was REALLY good at it because I figured out how the person learned (by seeing, hearing, watching, doing it themselves, taking notes, listening, sometimes a combo, etc.) and then I taught them the way they learned best.
If you want to improve your intuitive gifts, I invite you to try The Academy for a month and see how you like it. The investment is $39 each month (I paid $100 an hour for my Mentor Michele!). You can cancel anytime.
The Jyllicious™ Academy of Spiritual Growth offers you the opportunity to work with a Master Psychic and Intuitive Healer (Me, Jyll Hoyrup!) who will tune into you and teach you a) where you are at and b) the way you learn best.
We start you out with a Spiritual Assessment that is intuited and channeled. You’ll find out about your Intuitive Gifts, your Spirit Guides and Your Guardian Angels. You’ll receive 2 lessons each month and 2 Live Q&As each month. There is also a private Facebook Group for questions, discoveries, and sharing along the way.
If this speaks to you, join now as the enrollment doors are closing tonight! I will reopen in the future as Intuition leads me so all is not lost if you are not ready yet.
If you have questions, shoot me an email at roar@jyllicious.com. If you want to get a better feel for me and work on improving your intuition, join the Ignite Your Intuition Clubhouse!
The Academy was created because I figured out I’m a Soul Teacher (and enjoy it) and I wanted an affordable way for people to learn about, tap into and improve their Gifts.
Here’s to YOUR Intuition and Roar!