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I have been doing a year-end review for about 8 years and this is the first I debated how to do it as the year started out with a bang…literally – ???????????? I was cheated on. It was totally devastating and emotionally traumatic. My Intuition led me to catch them so ???? for being a Master Psychic!!

Bitmoji says it best! The Universe literally blows up your life sometimes to remove anything not in your Best and Highest Good.

????‍❤️‍????????❤️ Deepened my Friendships.

???????? I spent a wonderful week with my Mom – we traveled around Belize and Mexico. She got to see that I was okay (since she didn’t know if I’d ever return to Seattle!) and where I lived AND see Chichen Itza (the real reason she came, I think! ????). 

???? I took myself to Mahahaul, Mexico for my Birthday week.

????????????‍♀️ I was in Mexico on an off for 3 months to Heal. I absolutely LOVE Mexico. There is such an Alive Vibe there.

???? Launched the Jyllicious™ Academy of Spiritual Growth which was a success!

???? New, fun, looking for change and growth repeat Clients who show up and do their work. I adore them!

???????? Reached my financial goals = supporting myself in Belize with my Business. Nowhere near my Boeing salary but a Huge Accomplishment!!!

????????‍♀️???????? Many fun Ladies Nights!! 

????????✍️???? Completed a 30-day Ultimate Blog Challenge.

???????????????? Met an Amazing, Positive, High Energy, Fun, Genuine, Tender, Hunky, Hot Man – enjoying this Relationship.

????‍♀️ Hiking Adventures with Weekend Wanderers!! 

????‍♀️ Found me a local Hair Diva. HUGE YAY! Got my hair lightened – feels good to be blonde again. AND to cut off all that old energy trapped in my hair. Roar!

????♟ Played more Board, Card, and Dice games — Cribbage, Chess, Backgammon, Zilch!

????????‍♀️ Received my Belize Residency.

???????????? Puppy died. That still royally sucks. I miss her.

???? Hit my front tooth (Lesson: Don’t drink while drunk!) and endured a painful root canal, permanent filling and who knows what is in store for the other front tooth (revisit in 6 months).

???? 4-year Anniversary of living in Belize full-time.

???????? Five Days of Christmas Celebration with Steve.

???? Read 54 books (meh – my goal was 100).

Overall, a year of intense emotions, energetic ups and downs, great Clarity and Growth, and a HUGE release of the Yuck (what/who doesn’t serve my Best and Highest Good). ROAR!!!

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