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Who is glad that September is over?  —->THIS CHICK!  Crimes!  Has it been a weird and wild month or what??  I’ve been so off my game, out of sorts and possibly living in an alternate Reality!  How about you??

In personal news, I received a call two weeks ago that my Belize Residency has been approved.  It was exciting and surreal.  I took one last form, the fee, and my Passport to Immigration last week and am waiting for the call that it is ready with my “official” red stamp!  Needless to say, I have been reflecting a lot on this Journey called Belize the last two weeks.

UNSPLASH Photo by Simon Rae

Intuition is an interesting and useful gift.  Everyone is Intuitive to varying degrees.  You can use Intuition as much or as little as you like.  I used Intuition to decide between checking out Belize or Costa Rica again — and my vibe was for Belize.  For some reason, from the moment I bought my plane ticket for that vacation back to Belize, I have used Intuition in EVERYTHING I do.

I used Intuition to help me when I didn’t know whether to keep, trash, or donate my possessions during my purge.  I used it when I arrived in Belize – where to live, what to wear, what to eat, where to eat – yes, little things like that!

I made Intuition a GAME and that made it FUN.  #TIP

Did I really care if I ate Chicken or Beef or ate at this restaurant or that one?  No, I personally didn’t.  But, I let my intuition guide me because…why not?  Maybe if I picked “THIS” or “THAT” using Intuition it would put me in the path of something Wonderful!  And it did – many times!  I had many synchronicitious experiences those first few months in Belize — I was led to all the right people.

I didn’t plan for it to happen but that is how I started using Intuition ALL THE TIME.  Now, I talk with Friends and out comes channeled intuition.  It’s so automatic.  I’ve tried to stop it and I can’t.  (Sorry, not sorry!)

My Intuition and Spirit Guides have never once wavered about me being and staying in Belize.  I trust it because that is what it is there for – to help lead and Guide us.  To help us make decisions.  To better our life experience.

As we grow and improve our Intuition, we discover our own Symbols, Meanings, and Definitions of the Intuition that we get.  It becomes our own language, our own Dictionary. YES!  An Intuition Dictionary!

So I revel in that one hit or vibe of Intuition – to check out Belize again.  Here I am, almost four years later.  Almost a Resident (which means I can work here legally and can go in the Residency line while going through Immigration, and maybe some more but that’s the gist if you were wondering.  And no, I am not giving up my U.S. Citizenship).  I continue to trust and explore my Intuition.

If you are ready to explore and dig deeper into your Intuition, the Jyllicious™ Academy of Spiritual Growth is open again!  $29 per month.

You never know what path you will be led down when you trust your Intuition but you can bet it will be something in/for your Highest Good and Growth!

Here’s to listening to and trusting our Intuition!  ROAR!

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