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The Ultimate Blog Challenge is underway again this January! Will you join us? I participated for the full month last July. I signed up to do it again in October but didn’t make it very far. I’m rip-roaring and ready to go again!!

I’m keep my Goal super simple. It’s all about creating a daily writing habit.

I’ve always loved to write and started keeping a diary when I was 6 years old. I also enjoyed writing letters to my friends – back when stamps were 8 cents (now they are 49 cents in the U.S.).

StockSnap / Pixabay

I deemed myself the Queen of Letter Writing. I once wrote a 100-page letter. Granted, my hand-writing was big, I skipped lines and I babbled as only a teenager could – it was the 80’s like fer sure, don’t you know.

I love pens, notebooks, stationery – all things writing related! I have fun picking out my new Journals too! I like college ruled paper the best.

The internet, and email especially, was kind of a love/hate for me. I really missed the days of writing letters but emailing letters were soooooooooooo much faster! I still like to write letters on occasion. It takes 3-weeks to get letters to the States though (from Belize where I live) so I typically resort back to emailing. Crimes!!!

I began blogging in 2008 on blogger sites, MySpace and my own website. I’ve since transferred everything over to this site.

I joined a Women’s Writing Group last year. That has been a great experience for me. We meet weekly and are provided prompts to use in our writing. I’ve met some Amazing women, gotten out of my comfort zone, and written some interesting and different things! If you are interested, please join the Facebook Group here – Heart Centered Writing with Judy McNutt.


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