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Well, today was the day!  Hit the water fairly early this afternoon with my cousin and his nephew.  It was a gorgeous, hot day and man that water felt great!  I warmed up with some wakeboarding then the water was looking so fine that I got out that ski and hooked myself up!  I got right up the first time and YES, stayed up!  Yipee!  It was incredible!  The water got a little choppy on me and I biffed it.  I tried to get up about 4 or 5 more times and just didn’t have my balance and the wakes from other boats was throwing me around a bit.  Finally on the “this is the last try”, I got up again!  I was pretty tired from all the trying, so I didn’t last too long, but wow!  What a feat!  I wasn’t crossing the wake like a pro, but did a few times, so that was cool!  Then little Eric (9 years old) tore it up on one ski – this is his first year skiing – good for him!  I wanted him to try the wakeboard but … next time.  I wake boarded again and then tried the wake skate, got up and stayed up forever… I was getting tired though.  All in all, very productive time out on good old Lake Washington today!  Hopefully the weather with work with me and I’ll get a couple more trips before fall really hits!

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