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If you feel like your life is topsy turvy and upside down right now, you are not alone – I’m right there with you!!  I flipped my Calendar today from June to July and just that small act created a surge of hopeful, new energy.

A blank page.  A blank canvas.  That is what we have now especially energetically as we shift more fully into the energy of the 2nd half of the year.

Tomorrow brings the New Moon AND a Total Solar Eclipse.  Talk about energy packing a punch!!!  It is in Eclipse energy that things are magnified and sometimes explode (i.e. things that no longer serve you WILL leave your life).

You can use this energy to forge forward on your path.  Why not?  Use it to really get in alignment and the right frequency for moving forward.

What is it you want to be creating?  You can use a 5-Step New Moon Ritual to help you if you choose!

We will be tapping into the New Moon Total Eclipse Energies today on Manifestation Monday.  You can catch the LIVE or replay here.  Noon PST / 1 pm MST/Belize / 3 pm EST / 8 PM London / 12:45 AM Nepal / 5 AM AEST.

Here’s to really grabbing your life and ROARING this month!!

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