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I just realized it is Monday AND a New Moon which causes me to burst into Duran Duran’s song “New Moon on Monday”.

Whaaat?  You have that song stuck in your head now!? <giggle>

The New Moon is in Cancer – a water sign.  Time to feel our Feels!

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

The New Moon is the beginning of a new Moon Phase.  It’s a great time to set New Intentions for the month or even longer-term.  We pulled in this New Moon energy yesterday as we energetically boosted up our Intentions – catch the replay here.

I invite you to write down up to 10 intentions (wishes or desires) each New Moon.  I learned this in Jan Spiller’s book “New Moon Astrology” and will be doing mine right after I hit SEND!

This month the areas to wish upon that Cancer governs are:

  • home and family
  • safety
  • intimacy
  • emotional sensitivity

A great way to start your intention is “I easily and effortlessly….”

If you would like to try a Ritual, check out this 5-step New Moon ritual.

Here’s to your WISH and ROAR!


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