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The energy of this whole year has been about Pivoting.

Maybe doing a complete 180.

Starting a Business.

There is energy there to support us to BE and DO who we really want to be and how we really want to feel and things we really want to have in our life.

If you’re a CPA you’re now an Energy Healer

It doesn’t have to be a Spiritual Business

I see people doing what they really want to do

If you lost your job you can become a consultant – you can do the same thing in your own Business

There’s all these Different things people can be doing now because of World Events.

Think outside the box of what that could look like for you.

Take a few baby steps towards it and see how it feels and how you could navigate it.

Plant the seeds.

Create the Foundation so that when things settle or when you feel ready, you can make your decision or choice.

PIVOT – forward!

It’s here to shake us up and ship us out and to get us to deal with old wounds, sit with ourselves and go within.

This is a time of Opportunity.

The Energy is Supporting us. It’s Boosting us. It’s giving us where maybe we feel we didn’t need anything, it’s GIVING TO us.

Comment below and let me know how it resonates with you on your current Journey!


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