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What’s the word on your street??

I feel I need to change my tagline to Ignite Your Gifts – Empower your LIFE.  How does that feel for you?

I’ve been getting back to the Basics.  The basics that I teach because well, I walk my talk.  I walk my teach?  haha  Anyway, I come up with the way I teach because I used these methods to discover, Ignite and IMPROVE my own intuition.  True Story!

Jylly’s Vibe Notebook

There has been sooooooo much Intuition coming through for me that I have been “forced” to dive back into my VIBES Notebook full time to keep track of it all!  Yes, I had gotten a little lazy about writing down Every.Single.Vibe. in the near past.  But, No more!!!

I don’t think tapping into our Intuition has to be Big or Scary or Unknown or Oh My What’s Going To Happen If I Open Up My Gifts.  No siree Bob!

Intuition can be FUN!

Check it out.  #TIPTIME

Some ways that I have been using Intuition recently to navigate my life are:

1.  Pulling Auracle Healing Cards (amazing wondrous energy healing infused cards – proud promoter) to help with my healing process.  I will ask intuition if it’s time for a new card.  Then I ask intuition which card (my fingers literally stick on the card I need).

2.  I ask “On the day of this [event] will it be in my Best and Highest good to go?”

3.  I ask about tasks.  “What is best to do next?”  or “This or that?”

4.  I ask about Exercise.  “Does my body need exercise today?”  I know this may seem like a weird one to some of you die-hard Active peeps but the truth is when you are highly sensitive, an empath, an Introvert then your body needs a ton of downtime.  It will serve you well to start checking in with your body about how you are living life and if you are truly getting the rest and downtime that you need.  I’m finding that my body is not ready to do a lot of activity.  My surgeon recently reminded me that I am still healing and it will take time.

5.  When I start purging my possessions here real soon I will be asking Intuition “Keep this or not?”

6.  I use intuition to decide what to eat and drink.  I have been getting a big NO to drinking alcohol right now and that suits me just fine!

7.  I use Intuition to pick which Oracle Deck to pull cards from that day.

8.  I use Intuition to decide what time to do the Manifestation Monday Show!  Oh yeah, great lead in….

Manifestation Monday today at 1 PM PST / 2 PM MST/Belize / 4 PM EST / 9 PM London / 10 PM Paris / 1:45 AM Tues Nepal / 6 AM Tues AEST

I read about the Perseids Meteor Shower that has been peaking. Let’s pull in that energy for Kicks and Roars!!

I’d like to know a few of the ways you are using your Intuition in your Daily Life – comment below.

Stay tuned for more details on the revamped and soon to relaunch Jyllicious™ Academy of Spiritual Growth – a monthly mentorship with yours trujylly on all things Intuition and Spiritual Gifts!  Comment below if you are interested in learning more!

Here’s to your ROAR!!!

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